Sending Malc Home

Speaking of going home again… in a few hours, Oor Scottish Friend Malcolm hops on a wee plane and flies back to Scotland. It seems like only yesterday that we ordered him off of Scotsman (Falkirk), housetrained, scribbles words. We had him delivered, and we read the instructions carefully, about how we weren’t supposed to feed him after midnight, and god forbid anyone should call him English…
…and then it was time to open the box and meet our new Malc for the first time.

Safe home, Malc ol’ buddy, safe home. See you in May!

5 thoughts on “Sending Malc Home”

  1. I don’t know if I remember seeing that one.
    I’d say send it back- the house-trained promise was a lie!

  2. And a fond farewell to the only person I have yet observed take an interest in the more esoteric parts of my book collection. I shall miss our very occasional arcane discussions of Cold War minutiae

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