No Worries Linky

“No worries” is slowly infecting the USA – patient zero was Crocodile Dundee.

23 retro games you can play in your browser

Star Wars theme played on a huge pipe organ. Kinda wow. (via keith M)

The Chooseatron! I remember this Kickstarter, seems like it’s coming close to reality. Its a receipt printer that prints out choose-your-own-adventure stories as you make your decisions. (via Calum)

Why every film critic has Scarjo’s Black Widow wrong – I’m about 90% on board with this, my 10% reservation being that the critics and moviegoing public are being conditioned to see only the sexay sexay catsuit by the way the films have been marketed and structured (via Amanda Fitzwater)

Twin Peaks continuation fanfic told via Twitter (I have never been interested in a fanfic continuation of Twin Peaks but the use of Twitter makes this interesting to me)

The Game of Thrones RPG has released (free!) Hodor’s Guide to Hodoring, which is exactly the joke you expect, but still great.

My Girl, the video game. (Yes, *that* My Girl.)

Public domain sheet music repository (via BK Drinkwater)

Bake scientifically accurate cake planets (via Bruce)

Daily Mail headlines replaced with user comments (via David R)

This 2012 New Yorker piece about an invented language goes to a few interesting and unexpected places (also via BK)

Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel do a Les Mis confrontation (via Jenni)
while Hugh Jackman does Wolverine The Musical

Zola has released some free, beautifully formatted ebooks for some literary classics. If you’ve looked into ebooks, you’ll know it’s really easy to find free copies of these, but it can be a real pain to find copies that are actually pleasant to read.

Pearce shared with me the Czech poster for Alien, which I’d never seen before, and when I googled to find out more about it, I found a Czech board game of Alien (translated page) that I’d never heard of. It looks great!
(Also found: the Hungarian poster for Alien, the Polish poster for Alien, and the truly special Polish poster for Aliens)

And finally, there is no high culture. There is no low culture. There is only… cat videos.

3 thoughts on “No Worries Linky”

  1. Classic linkbait technique, bait the trap with a Motown classic, then SNAP it’s Macauley Culkin!

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