It is 48-hour film weekend, when small teams of mad people make complete short films in 48 hours. In honour of the event I post once again my first 48 hour film. If you look carefully, you will spot me in my tiny role as the titular monster.
And the most recent one I was involved in, 2009 entry Dedication:
Huge good wishes to all involved this year!
Now, some linky. Yes I know there is loads of interesting stuff to blog about – not least the joys and challenges of fatherhood – but man oh man I am busy right now. And linky doesn’t need thinking, only sharing. I share for you!
Cool visual index of tricks used by MacGyver to solve adventure problems! Watch how the # of tricks in each episode flatlines in its later years.
Neat marriage proposal:
My friend Simon recounts the challenges he faced trying to get non-sexist cover art for his new game. (He links to Go Make Me A Sandwich, which has this piece about the sexist art of Dragon Magazine; the Sandwich blog was inspired at least in part by a series of posts I did a few years ago about the same subject. Nice to see.)
Cop in the Hood – blog by a police officer in Baltimore. Wire fans take note.
I have this theory that I have bored many people with over the years: that one of the reasons NZ does so well creatively is that we are just the right size – big enough to have opportunities and space for people to grow their craft, but small enough to be incredibly densely networked with all the benefits that delivers. Case in point: The Adults, new music assembled by the front man of Wellington’s legendary rock group Shihad, but involving a who’s who of other legendary Kiwi musicians from all kinds of different genres and styles. And its obvious they are all really into it. (Also of note: whoever has been doing the marketing & promotion for The Adults has done a damn fine job of it.)
Awesomely bad sewing patterns!
I’ve linked before to Mike at nonwrestler and his weekly link to a free music track. Now my fellow moose Billy has posted something about it so I don’t need to work out what to say, I can just link there. If you care at all about music and/or not having to pay for things, go see.
Choose your path games, online. I haven’t even tried these but feel compelled to share.
Denim as social defence mechanism, and much more analysis of the fabric besides. (via George Darroch)
From Emma: photos of US shopping malls in 1990
From many people, a lovely and sweet strip about being an artist.
US Center for Disease Control official website includes instructions for what to do in a zombie apocalypse (via Al Galloway). The domestication of the Romero-zombie nightmare takes another step, beyond Pride & Prejudice & Zombies and that time I saw a men’s toiletries kit in a department store branded as a “zombie survival grooming kit”. And I continue to be… not flabbergasted, but surprised. Because the zombie nightmare, which was born only in the 60s, is almost indescribably grisly and depressing. Unlike previously domesticated nightmares the vampire and the werewolf, which can both be swung into more palatable territory, the zombie story is deeply and unflinchingly sickening. It’s also inescapably a political nightmare. The prominence of the zombie in contemporary culture weirds me out.
Trond explains how to export all your data from Facebook.
Jess Nevins, always fascinating, argues that May Day 1871 was the day Science Fiction was invented.
Obligatory Star Wars link: this satirical article is nicely done, but the comments take it over the top.
And finally, could they beat up China Mieville?
I never get tired of
I think there’s some very interesting work to be done on the power of the zombie.
ha! i’ve never seen that, genius!