Mo’bama Linky

After 8 years of Dubya, Americans were so out of control they accidentally elected a black man. Four years later? Four years of relentless obstruction and lunatic rage at his presidency? I kinda think re-electing a black man is the greater achievement.

US election retold in cleverly animated webcomic form

Iconic album covers reimagined with superheroes

Cutting, important argument about why Occupy Wall Street failed – because it was too mired in academia, for a start. Don’t agree with everything here but there are definitely some home truths for supporters of the Occupy movement. (via Amund)

Craaaazy amazing: a mental abacus “sport” that goes SO FAST. Wow! (via Maire)

& a potential breakthrough in mathematics – turns out there’s something more to know about a + b = c. The guy who’s advanced this proof sounds like a very interesting cat. (via Ivan)

Who said it: Hitler or Lovecraft?

The Necronomicon – it’s like the Bible, but different! (via Craig Oxbrow)

In praise of the hashtag. The hashtag as new literary device? This writeup is actually off on several things, but it gets a lot right. The # is the symbol character of the ’10s just like the @ was the symbol character of the ’00s.

Christopher Walkenthrough: computer game walkthroughs in the voice of Christopher Walken (via Dave Chapman)

Samuel L Jackson Lorem Ipsum

How can there not be a movie of this? An amazing slave escape story. Edge-of-the-seat true life adventures!

That Kate Nash performed the Buffy musical episode. (Kate Nash gets a lot of flack, but Scroobius Pip rates her, so.) (That Buffy musical episode is a great episode of TV, but I still think it really doesn’t work outside of that context.)

Big Sugar has been weirding the evidence of the dangers of sugar for years. Like Big Tobacco, only successful. Fascinating.

The National Office of Importance

And finally… The Snuggery (via Pearce)