Boo-urns Linky

It’s Boo-urns Night! Here’s “The Raptures of Folly” in entirety:

Thou greybeard, old Wisdom! may boast of thy treasures;
Give me with young Folly to live;
I grant thee thy calm-blooded, time-settled pleasures,
But Folly has raptures to give.

The Gator found this neat interactive: rhyme with Rabbie Burns!

Via Nate: QWOP, a running game you play right in your browser! This is AMAZING.

Also via Nate: Quote Investigator – was that inspirational quote really said by the person you think it was?

6-year-old girl writes a grindcore song about pancakes

Splendid drive-thru prank: the invisible driver

Buffy’s stunt co-ordinator releases a bunch of behind-the-scenes footage

Wade Davis vs. Jared Diamond

How many people did the Friends sleep with? Someone spent a lot of time working this out.

Lousy Book Covers – your new favourite tumblr

Spot the Quality Cafe in many films! (via David R esq.) – and – 6 places you’ll recognise from the background of every movie (via Dylan)

The spectacular thefts of Apollo Robbins, pickpocket – great New Yorker article, went viral for a reason!

Indiana Jones trilogy as maps

“My mom was an underground railroad for abused women”

Science comes clean: Overly Honest Methods

Toy train company bids for a major UK railroad. It gets a reply. (via Alan Jackson)

The girl who played Veruca Salt in the classic Willy Wonka film wrote a book about it that is (a) free to download [EDIT: nope, not any more, it’s now US$10!], and (b) apparently really great. (via Gino)

Beware the occult hand! (via Allen Varney)

The Fresh Prince theme song lyrics, after google translation:

The “But Thens” of This American Life

Photographer visits Wellington and blogs about it (via Pearce)
And another one does the same thing (via Gem Wilder)

Spanish unemployment office is flashmobbed with a lovely “Here Comes The Sun”. Just a nice thing.

Sounds like the new Before… film is actually good. And, exhale! Here’s a neat essay about Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, to get you in the mood. (I remember when the first film was released, this was the scene everyone was talking about.)

What did Homer singing his epics sound like?

A lawyer goes, in enormous detail, through that giant contract from The Hobbit

Some quite lovely and unusual LotR fan art

The Skywalker Paradigm (gotta have a Star Wars link, huh)

Via Gilmans, some travel advisory: Cruise Ship Deaths! Miss Travel!

And finally, the weirdest thing I’ve seen in a while: Sharon Tate models Mao Tse Tung.