Snail Chase on release

My buddy Ed’s movie, The Last Great Snail Chase, is getting a cinema release from this Thursday. It’s screening up in Auckland at the Academy, for two weeks. I previously wrote about seeing the premiere – almost two years ago! – so its exciting that it is stepping out into the world again.
Here’s the main site for the film, the uninformative IMDB page, and the Flicks page with a glowing viewer review.
Not online is the Sunday Star Times newspaper review, which gave it 2 out of 5 stars. Opening ‘graph: “Edward Lynden-Bell’s debut feature as scriptwriter and director feels like a visual thesis for a philosophy course devoted to theosophical and mystical concepts. It’s a peculiar little film…” Closer: “It’s a brave first effort that easly satisfies Lynden-Bell’s desire to make it a film his friends would say ‘Have you seen that f—ing weird film?’ Whether anyone else will see it is debatable.” [Dodgy grammar transcribed faithfully; probably this was savaged by a subeditor.]
I reckon you should go see it if you get a chance. You won’t ever see anything else like it, that’s a promise. It ain’t the greatest film ever, but it is interesting and fun.
Congrats Ed!

3 thoughts on “Snail Chase on release”

  1. This movie is crazy. Anyone who wants to see something they haven’t seen before should give it a whirl. I’m stoked that it’s getting screenings.

  2. Shouldn’t it be “make it a film [about which] his friends would say”? There’s subjects and objects colliding all over the place.

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