It’s Not Over

Copenhagen Climate Congress, 10-12 March 2009
Key Message 1: Climatic Trends
Recent observations confirm that, given high rates of observed emissions, the worst-case IPCC scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realised.
Key Message 5: Inaction is Inexcusable
There is no excuse for inaction. We already have many tools and approaches to deal effectively with the climate change challenge… A wide range of benefits will flow from a concerted effort to alter our energy economy now…
Gareth Renowden at Hot Topic, 13 March 2009:
This seems to me a very good summary of the climate problem: it’s worse than we thought, we need to act now, and we’ve got the tools to do it. Now all we need is the willpower and the commitment. Politicians, are you listening?
George Monbiot, march 17 2009
Yes, it might already be too late – even if we reduced emissions to zero tomorrow – to prevent more than two degrees of warming, but we cannot behave as if it is, for in doing so we make the prediction come true. Tough as this fight may be, improbable as success might seem, we cannot afford to surrender.
Systems of power are made of people, and people can change, and achieve change. It’s not too late. Not yet.

One thought on “It’s Not Over”

  1. Thanks for this and for your email the other day when I was bummed out about this…
    I got my Rodney-response from Nick Smith this morning. Surprisingly long and someone read my letter and responded to each point?!

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