Links Frinks

The epic, inspiring journalism of Izzy Stone – what independent journalism looked like in the 50s and 60s. Original publications visible here – pick one at random.
Kiwi cartoonist Toby Morris sketches his life in Amsterdam.
UK mediawatch done smart: MailWatch keeps an eye on the Daily Mail, and The Sun Lies tracks uber-tabloid The Sun.
An incredible tale of a true-life diamond heist.
Dollhouse watchers, get yer analysis from The Exploding Kinetoscope and Capitalism Bad, Tree Pretty. And don’t forget the weird and under-noticed online experience.
Gameheads – check out StoryTron and try to manage the international aftermath of 9/11. Interesting stuff.
Alan Moore’s long-lost Big Numbers #3 turns up in photocopied form!
And finally… Dan Meth’s Pop Cultural Charts

2 thoughts on “Links Frinks”

  1. I saw Tobi Morris passing through London a while back. He came into the store and I barely recognised him. Don’t think he recognised me at all. I remember buying his first small press off him for Comics Compulsion way back when. A tall, very serious 15 year-old kid. The work was overly earnest and rough around the edges, but ridiculously accomplished for his age at the time. It’s great to see the brilliant artist he’s become.

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