After about four hours of messing about, finally got the new wireless router properly installed and running. Learned more about IP addresses as I tried, repeatedly, to answer the question “everything says this should work; why does it not work?”
This is not really four hours I had spare, but needs must and all that.
Home smells of feijoas right now.
(Cal and I both forgot completely about Flight of the Conchords on Monday. I’d forgotten how you can do that if you watch a TV show as she is broadcast. Forgetting to watch a TV show you like is a bit retro-cool, I reckon.)

One thought on “IP IP OORAY”

  1. It took me a few reads to get the title… I kept reading it as I.P. I.P. OORAY rather than a play on Hip Hip Hooray.
    The sooner I’m out of my IT career and into my games/comics retailing career the better…

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