We All In The Linky

Tonight, the 48 Hr Film Comp begins. I’m leading the writing team. We have some big acts to follow – check out the track record of Jenni’s Angels in past years:
2008: Borkhardt Hates You Too (superhero)
2007: Destination Earth (science fiction)
2006: Monster Hunter IV: Beyond Repair (monster movie)
2005: It’s A Wonderful Library (what genre was this, again?)
Should be a blast. In meantime, here be some linky.
Vanity Fair’s 10 Best Political Videos You’ve Probably Never Seen. Nixon rails against Bohemian Grove for being full of homos! Nixon plays the piano! Reagan goes on a game show and… you gotta watch that one, actually.
Japan has an island of empty buildings. Some guys sneaked on to it and took lotsa photos.
Pride & Prej as Marvel comic. (Our local store had a couple copies of the first issue, it sold out fasty.)
As always, I’m a sucker for collaborative one-take music videos. Here’s a guy called Nyle, and his track Let The Beat Build, which seems to be him with his performing art school friends. Love it.
This one is a favourite. Back in the early 90s, a company called Leading Edge Games released a boardgame based on the film Aliens. I had a chance to buy it, once – there were a couple of copies at our local chain bookstore Whitcoulls – but it was way out of my price range so I had to go away and think about it, and I never saw it again. It goes for crazy sums on ebay now – trust me, I’ve looked – so I’d resigned myself to never getting to play it. But now someone has created a computer version of the game, free to play online. It is just as devilishly hard and addictive as had been promised by those good reviews fifteen years ago. Yay!
Gnod – uses some kinda weak AI to build networks of connection between books and films and so-on. Use it as a recommendatorium. Interesting to play around on.
And finally… this New Yorker article gave me the biggest gross-out moment I’ve had since Peter Jackson’s Braindead. Read only if you dare. It’s called… The Itch

4 thoughts on “We All In The Linky”

  1. I bet your mom and sisters bought all those pride and prejudice comic books. They’d do that!

  2. Oh, and while reading the first few pages, I did find that, due to the frequency of the word itch I was getting itchy – an itchy ear, an itchy leg… freaky…

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