Writing Update: June

Tne twelve short stories target for the year:
– Two stories (“The Tape” and “Buckets”) completed and, er, rejected by publication outlets. “Buckets” got shortlisted with some very nice words in rejection. Pleased by that. The benefit of good commentary from kind readers, there.
– Untitled walking story – still haven’t returned to this, still think it’s pretty much unsalvageable.
– “Babel” – have had good reader feedback. Needs some careful thinking and another pass.
– “The Twelve Times I Drank Too Much” – draft all typed up but haven’t sent it to anyone yet.
– “Confession” and “The Big Drive” both exist as notes and snippets only. Not good enough! Keep at it mr orgue!
Comic still progressing. Regular meetings with artist, pages slowly incrementing. Verra slowly.
Sekret writing project Marie Antoinette event – now officially announced. Rehearsals proper start Monday, yay!
Ron the Body has been back in the marketplace, too. Sample response from a UK agency: “I enjoyed this, but it’s not quite right for my contacts.” Onwards!
(Wedding thank-you cards… we are over halfway through… just)
[Last writing update]

5 thoughts on “Writing Update: June”

  1. I’ve really enjoyed everything of yours I’ve read. Your short stories impress the heck out of me and make me wish I knew how to write better short stories so I’ll read any of them if you want.
    Sounds like the feedback you’re getting is pretty darned positive, so that’s good. Not as good as being paid obviously but still encouraging.
    It looks like it’s been a good first half of the year.
    Actually I’m exceedingly keen to read Ron the Body as well if you want to pass it my way.

  2. Man you so busy, you make me feel lazy. And I make other people I konow feel lazy. Where do you find the time? You got some space-time thingy at your command?
    but v intrested in the “12 time I got drunk” to read. I know, I know, I suck at reading things for ya but its a short story how can I fail.
    Also trying to draw a comic in ya spare time is hard bro. It takes a LOT of time to draw what ya can visulaise and see in a fraction of a second. The first secion of “The nomads” took like a whole week of full time work. So dont be too worried about the lenght of time it takes, worry about the quality.

  3. I ran into Brynn at the supermarket a couple of days ago. She did a hilarious (but low-key) double take when I said I’d seen scans of some of the pages she was working on, then said she never would have recognised me if I hadn’t spoken.
    I has been extreme-makeover’d!

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