Lose Books, Drink Wine

A great idea that you should steal.
I went to a party chez Jack and Heather. They had provided a big table of books. You could take any of the books you liked. You could bring your own books and add them to the table so other people could take them. It was a bookorama, a bibliophile’s delight, a bibliophage’s banquet.
While the eager guests thumbed through copies of fascinating books, Jack and Heather made smart conversation and poured drinks. Really, how could this go wrong?
(Here’s how: ogodnowwehaveEVENMOREBOOKSyarg)
If you suffer from groaning shelves, think about Jack’n’Heather’s “Literature vs Liquor” experience TM. It’s easier to say goodbye to books if you see them going to good homes, after all.
(Thanks Jack’n’Heather!)

5 thoughts on “Lose Books, Drink Wine”

  1. Thanks for the good words. To be honest, our main worry about the evening was that we’d end up with more books than we started. From that point of view, it was a great success. 😉

  2. Whereas my goal would have been to leave with more books. Tug-o-book anyone. Mine! No mine!

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