Exciting packages!

Two friends have received packages of great awesomitude in the post in the last couple days:
Draw, who blogged the arrival of the international compilation Abstract Comics: The Anthology by Fantagraphics, which features his work.

And Jarratt, who on Twitter announced the arrival of the board game he created with Qarl, Endeavor, released by Z-Man Games (and hitting just in time for Gen Con)!
Look at all the shiny bits. Tis awesome. on Twitpic
So I'm not posing dead but it's hard to selfshot that way. :D on Twitpic
I can only imagine the buzz you must both be feeling right now. HUGE congratulations!

4 thoughts on “Exciting packages!”

  1. Heya KiZ! Not sure how to get Endeavor – check the Z-Man website I guess. I don’t think it’s available for general sale yet but it can’t be far away.

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