I’ve posted a couple times about Urban Driftwood, the prose/poetry collection with my work in it – when it was published a year ago and when it was released for free download.
I’m mentioning it again because we’ve just had our first review, by Tim Jones, who blogs over at Books in the Trees. Tim’s one of these ghost presences in my life, someone I’ve known of rather than known for way too many years – we share lots of people and interests (writing and climate change, to name two biggies). It’s almost spooky, actually, because NZ is so hyper-networked due to its small size that you almost need to actively avoid someone to not meet them for as long as I’ve not met Tim. (I first saw him across the room at Forrycon, back in 1991, as the fan guest of honour sharing the stage with the venerable and delightful Forrest J Ackerman. Most recently I missed him by not making it to the Writing Speculative Fiction seminar with Jenni and Sally – I’m sure another opportunity will come along soon!)
The review is here. I think its very fair and positive, and does credit to Dan’s efforts to finally get this writing out in front of readers. That’s a great thing. Thanks Tim for the review; thanks Dan for your dogged pursuit of this project for so long!
So, yeah, Urban Driftwood. You can buy it hardcopy on Lulu or FREE DOWNLOAD! via Dan’s website.