Marie Antoinette Video

Put this up on LJ the other day – a video trailer for the Marie Antoinette night, showing lots of clips from the August show. We look awesome. There’s a few changes this time around, including a new actress in the Marie Antoinette role due to our last one getting a TV gig, but that’s the feel of it. Who knew Wellington had so many French aristocrat costumes?

Much acknowledgement of Steve Leon, of SpringTV, for filming and assembling this trailer. I’ve been taking advantage of Steve’s skills and goodwill in various domains for about a decade and a half now. If you know anyone who needs some filming done, hire him!
Second rehearsal today. The script changes all played well at our read-through Tuesday, including a couple of fairly major adjustments – definitely a stronger, tighter show that plays more to the strengths of the concept. Very happy.
Right, off to morning meeting to decide on some other matters including what might be our next show! And then have to do normal work too 🙂

5 thoughts on “Marie Antoinette Video”

  1. Hey was that Hamlet from Lee’s play being the king!? He’s cool!
    Wow this looks like so much fun 🙂 I’m singing the night the show is on or I’d be sorely tempted to treat myself.

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