Bohemian Linky

Alan Moore’s new zine Dodgem Logic has an online space with lotsa free music and stuff. But it keeps jamming up my internets something chronic. Maybe you’ll have better luck?
Brizzly, the service that jams together Twitter and Facebook, is now open for everyone to sign up. So I signed up. Interesting. Don’t know if I’ll stick with it, but interesting.
You mighta seen this clip of the dude swimming with the leopard seal – but have you seen this clip of the penguin being chased around by the pack of orca?
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia. Haven’t even read the list yet myself, let alone followed the links, but there must be some cool stuff there.
Creepy Albert Einstein robot.
Lady Gaga performing back when she had a normal name, before the marketers got a hold of her.
The next two have been all over the net, for very good reason. I’m gonna embed here so y’all have no excuse not to watch these.
First, NZ’s own book council has an incredible trailer for Maurice Gee’s “Going West”:

Second, brand new Muppets: their take on Bohemian Rhapsody. Divine.

An acid trip – illustrated.
Matt C’s Murray the Sex Machine (nice work Matt!)
The Event – a collaborative fiction by five Wellington writers, including the abovementioned Matt C – is now complete, and it seems to be a wild and creepy tale. I need to catch up on the second half of it, but it looks amazing. Go check it out.
And finally… the Daily Bunny, which is exactly what it sounds like.

7 thoughts on “Bohemian Linky”

  1. Lady Gaga…she’s so GOOD! What! Why! What!
    I think Beaker’s MEEEEEE is my favourite bit from the Muppets 🙂 Also Rolf, who has always been the best muppet.

  2. Thanks for the linky! The Event was great good fun and we gave lovely old Wellington a right good seeing to 🙂

  3. Glad you like the Book Council ad. It’s actually an ad for the NZBC itself (rather than for Going West). Stunning isn’t it!

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