Key might go

The poll I linkied yesterday is gone to wherever those polls go (I guess they just get deleted, nice on but TV3 at least is reporting that Key might go after all:

“There’s a case that might be able to be put up that is if it looks like a deal is going to be concluded,” he says, “then obviously I might need to react to that and get on a plane.”

That’s our master statesman at work. Still, as I’ve written before, I think it’s very important to get as many top nobs in the same room as possible for Copenhagen. The climate change problem needs to be addressed through the nation-state (that is why the I in IPCC stands for Intergovernmental) and that makes John Key a player, our % contribution to the overall problem notwithstanding.
I hope the reportage is accurate, and the campaign that I talked about before has achieved an unexpected success. Go John Go!
(Hey, just checked that link, and the image of Reptilicus is gone from Photobucket! I’ll go add in a different Reptilicus photo. Go Reptilicus!)

7 thoughts on “Key might go”

  1. I disagree. He shouldn’t go. It’s all about appearances. Key’s non-attendance speaks the truth about his view on the importance of this issue and this conference. Any attendance will just be another one of his pandering lies to appear to be doing something while not changing anything.
    At least he’s being honest by not attending.

  2. Scott: I totally see your angle, but my view is that the value to future policy from Key fronting up and being in the room more than balances out any image-bump he gets.
    I don’t think anyone there will let Key/NZ off the hook for dragging the chain. His international in-crowd will not judge his policies kindly and I think that would be for the good.

  3. You can find the poll URL by viewing the page source. The best way to get it is to use firefox, highlight the end of the poll (including the buttons), then right-click and choose “view selection source”. You’re looking for something like this:
    <a title=”Results” href=”/lightbox//3122727?KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=680″ onclick=”” class=”result thickbox” style=”display: inline;”>Result</a>
    Just grab the stuff in the href and stick “” in front of it.
    (in fact, it appears that the only important bit is the number. so, e.g., here is today’s poll: )

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