Season two of Dollhouse was great TV.
Dollhouse is still the strangest TV series I’ve ever encountered. Structurally it is *bizarre*.
The creative team never figured out what to do with the premise. They knew, right from the start, that they were sitting on a goldmine of weird and interesting and potent material. They spent all of both seasons trying to work out how to exploit it, and never quite managing.
However, they certainly created some memorable, challenging TV along the way.
The final episode, in what must be a first for any TV series, is a broadcast sequel to an episode available only on DVD. It’s a fun ride, and gets away with its cringey moments by just packing in so much stuff. It doesn’t really function as a thematic capper, it doesn’t make a final statement about the ideas in the show, and the writers still haven’t worked out what to do with their star and her character(s). But it made me think a couple times, and it did great work on the secondary characters.
Watch it sometime. It won’t be your new favourite TV show, but it carries its weight, and it’s downright provocative. I’m glad it happened.
And watch out for this guy, find-of-the-series Enver Gjokaj: dude can act like wow.
7 thoughts on “Dollhouse S2 (No spoilers)”
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I still maintain that it would have been a better show overall if they just had Enver Gjokaj play every part, especially Caroline/Echo. Gratituous shots of him in parading around skimpy outfits would be infinitely preferable IMHO 🙂
I haven’t seen the very last episode, but I was seriously dissapointed by the penultimate episodes of the series. The contortions they were putting the plot through just struck me as silly for no good reason.
Yeah, penultimate episode was rubbish. *such* a letdown.
PEOPLE KEPT SAying, “OH THE LAST few episodes, are great, they really picked it up.” AND I@M ON like the antepenultimate one going “ER WHEN?”
SORRY MY SHIFT key is actually broken, for real, I MEAN
marrog: hmm. Probly if you haven’t got the good feeling by then, you’re not going to get it at all. The penultimate episode certainly won’t do the trick. But if you’ve come this far, stick around for the finale.
I thought they’d gotten things together a bit more for Series2, but I have to agree it is one of the strangest TV series outside of HBO. It was an odd feeling sitting down watching it and getting drawn into something that weird. Excellent.
Morgue: did you ever watch ‘John from Cincinatti’ – now that’s odd, strange, and very addictive.
Sphen: I only heard about J from C recently. Sounds very intriguing. Would be up to watch it if anyone out there can easily supply…