Makeshift Linky

I reinstalled Windows last week (am much gooder now) but boneheadedly lost my bookmarks, including my linky stack. So many dozens of interesting linky, lost into the chaotic maestrom of the interwebs! Oh noes!

Luckily the internets is bountiful, here are some new-gathered linky.

Some great parkour photos.

Foul-mouthed In the Loop character Malcolm Tucker reports on the UK election for the Grauniad.

Debz presents Anna Karenina for Children

Essential skills for the information age: spotting fake online reviews

Mash gives a great overview of critical styles using the examples of three film review podcasts (including Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo’s show, which is the only podcast I’ve become religious about since starting listening to ’em not so long ago)

A tool to find out whose Twitter followers are stupider

Slavegirl Leia carwash
(but no this guy for shame)

Stephen J brings Dr Johnson to bear on the current NZ govt

And finally… the Backtacular Gluteal Cleft Shield

6 thoughts on “Makeshift Linky”

  1. I wonder if you could apply the twitter stupidity tool to YouTube commentary, which is one of the biggest bastions of unmoderated internet idiocy I am aware of.

  2. Oh man, don’t read YouTube comments unless you just want a reason to decide that the human race is doomed.

    I’ve been wanting to write a blog called “Reviewing the Reviewers” for ages. There are a few online reviewers who really amuse me, e.g. one particular music reviewer who insists on describing things he particularly likes as “devastating”. How many times can one person be devastated by a song?

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