You seen Literally Unbelievable already right?
Via lots of places, the Grand Rapids Lipdub. You know I will always always link to this kind of thing, right? I am helpless for this stuff.
If you are in Wellington you’ve probably already seen this article with pic of my buddy Sass doing the pole fitness thing.
From Jamie N – Supermonk! and relatedly, we can detect really really minute stimuli – but still we miss stuff. Why?
Another great Avaaz petition, this one about Bahrain’s brutal oppression of protest. Note the strategy on display, though – targeting not Bahrain, but a lucrative sporting event held there; and then, targeting just one team at the event, a prominent one with a major sponsor who plays the social media game. Avaaz has learned a lot of lessons as it’s grown so enormous over the past few years.
Awesome people hanging out together
(mostly Hollywood types, but still some gems to be found)
Far West transmedia project launches from Adamant (who did that awesome Chch relief RPG adventure) – wild west, steampunk, wuxia. Check it out just for the amazing art, stick around for the rest.
3 min short film w/ Eliza Dushku. Neatly done despite the video game violence.
Bitcoin – I haven’t had time to get to grips with this because lots of smart people have a lot to say on it. If you know of Bitcoin, check out this discussion for even more smart opinions.
Climate scientists deliver the message: (also via Jamie N)
(what is it about science geekery and hiphop? send theories to usual address.)
Via Bruce: Pope closes monastery due to lap-dancing gigs
Lovely, lovely visual essay on the San Fran Public Library (via Dylan) See also: Guardian article on the secret life of libraries.
And finally… dude lipsynchs to the worst video game voice acting
Pedantry note #1. In the ‘One Shot’ clip I like that both times the guy picks up a weapon he checks it is both loaded and with a round chambered. It is probably the only vaguely realistic thing in it but it is a nice touch.
Pedantry note #2: In the still shot for same, Dushku’s pistol is out of ammunition.