Music In Our Message

This computer, our nifty laptop, with speakers, and broadband, is the best soundsystem I’ve ever owned that accepts mp3s. And so I finally catch up to the cool kids!
So I’ve been busily downloading a bunch of music files that have been sitting on the web for some time, and enjoying them tremendously.
Of course the power of knowing the creators led me to start with the files at aquaboogie and nonwrestler – some tracks I’ve heard, some I haven’t (but, sadly no Satan’s Vomit. Stuart, where is the love?) and all now residing merrily on my hard drive.
Next mission: Marxman.
It’s a little known fact that the whole reason I came to the UK was to find a copy of Irish Communist hip-hop outfit Marxman’s second album, Time Capsule. (True. This mission has been, sadly, a failure. In my naivete I assumed that somewhere in the UK there would be record stores along the lines of, say, Real Groovy. Um – no. Nope. No. At least, not anywhere I’ve been.)
Time Capsule was released free on the web by Oisin, the DJ for Marxman. I had a copy of this on one of my previous destined-for-burning hard drives, and listened to it on my tinny wee speakers. I remember the first track, Dazed & Confused, as insanely good and I was pleased to find that it mostly lives up to my memories.
(Marxman – yah!)
Next up – still on the hiphop vibe – Public Enemy’s unreleased ‘Bring the Noise 2000‘. I have a lot of love for late-period Public Enemy, and Chuck D’s messages about the rise of electronic music distribution released a decade ago on ‘Muse Sick in Our Mess Age’ sound pretty on the money now.
And now I’ve rediscovered which archives Michael Franti’s/Spearhead’s live performances, in the spirit of Franti’s ‘record and distribute my live gigs’ philosophy. And it’s damn cool.
And I’m just scratching the surface of what’s out there. Cool. I should finish with some nifty word-type-image like ‘I’m catching the technology wave’. How about: ‘I’m swaying on the weeble carousel of the new era.’
See, I can do this.
Needless to say, check all this stuff out if you’re so equipped.

One of these days I’m gonna do a serious-type post like I’ve been threatening to do. But Cal just messed up my hair until I screamed. So not now.

3 thoughts on “Music In Our Message”

  1. ~m
    I just remembered that I copied a shite load of mp3s to your computer while I was visiting. I’m guessing that they were all lost in your burning hard drive of death, but wanted to take the oppertunity to apologise if my copying actions (whihch you will remember mysteriously made your DVD unrecognisable) may have in fact contributed to the HD falling over.
    I told you I was cursed…

  2. Our curses have not teamed up. Your MP3s remain safe. My burnout was on my work computer. Hence my not being too worried about it really. 🙂

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