Force Bunny Linky

Star Wars villains with cute bunnies (via Rohan Smith)

TED talks come to NZ – exclusive leaked text of the opening address (delightful snark via Danyl)

The Stranger profiles the sexy, sassy Men of Rock! Bloody marvellous stuff, via Boganette

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows (via Cat T)

Wow, I just learned about the Bloop. How did I never hear about this before? The world is full of weirdness. (via someone named Jason B, in conversation with the delightful Sophie O’Doom)

Lost scene from Lilo & Stitch – progressed as far as black-and-whites with full voice work. (via Gail Simone) Lilo & Stitch was a great film.

GWAR never made as much sense as they do here, in a small circular room covering a song by Kansas

Was Hogwarts all in Harry’s head? (via Hugh Dingwall)

This is so simple an idea, and yet so perfectly done. Gilbert Gottfried reads 50 Shades of Grey (via Dave Cormack)

Via Maire: a super-lovely way to learn about the amazing hexaflexagon!

Where will you be in 24 hours? Computer says, here. And it gets it right most of the time.

Neat, beautiful short comic by Eleanor Davis (via Tim Denee)

Check out, and play, the entries for the 18th annual interactive fiction competition

And finally, via Sacha Dylan: photos of women holding vegetables as weapons

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