When you tell people you’re weekending in Amsterdam, they give you an odd sort of nudge-nudge-wink response. All of them, regardless of age or class, feel compelled to shake their shoulders and cock their eyebrows. Its sort of charming, really.
We’re landing at 9.30 tomorrow morning Netherlands time. Monday morning we plan on heading on to Rotterdam via the Hague where we want to see the international court of justice. Everyone says Amsterdam is wonderful. I look forward to plenty of happy walking-around, but I also expect it to be cold. I have no idea what to expect of Rotterdam.
This will be my first time out of the UK since July. I am thoroughly excited. It’s been a long period of bedding down, and this is the first sign of coming out the other side.
Like all movie geeks, I follow the Oscars despite knowing its all a sham, a farce, etc etc. Find the funniest coverage on the net at www.fametracker.com, “the farmer’s almanac of celebrity worth”. Seriously worth a look.