Awesome volcano action in the central North Island. Worth a look, non-Kiwis. Walking over this volcano is a very popular day expedition.
Juan Cole lays out his 10 requirements to get a lasting peace in Israel/Palestine. It seems to me like a pretty realistic list, and as he puts it: good luck.
And, um, here’s an indie comic with an ambitious premise… an American baseball coach recruiting as his new pitcher a “Palestinian rock-thrower”. Hmm.
Ryan North, who I mostly know through links from Kate Beaton but has been linkied here before for his in-depth analysis of the Back to the Future novelisation, has a kickstarter up for a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure version of Hamlet, illustrated by Ms Beaton and many others. Sounds groooovy, and actually quite interesting too. Blew through its target in the first few hours of day one – 29 days to go!
Speaking of Kickstarter and Hamlet – here’s one for a project to adapt Hamlet into a six-episode series. Also sounds very interesting. I really need to get more familiar with this play.
Short but lovely piece on the politics of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books (via Tof Eklund), as a companion piece to Laurie Penny’s interview with the man (via Laurie Penny).
Here’s a comic that mashes up the Muppets and the recent Thor movie. (Drawn to roughly follow Roger Langridge’s character redesigns.) It’s worth a look – way more than you might think.
Problems with the different cloud storage services, and what to do to fix them.
In comments last week, Stephanie reminded me about the Lizzie Bennett Diaries, which I linked back in July & promptly forgot about. This video-diary adaptation of Pride & Prejudice has racked up 65ish episodes of their core storyline plus loads of other bits and pieces by other characters. Check it out!
Mashup oddity: Nine Inch Nails with, er, the sound effects from Super Mario Bros.
1946’s Disney short teaching girls about menstruation.
Which Bond villain plan would have actually worked? (via Allen Varney)
The colour palette in Nolan’s Batman trilogy progresses from dusk to dawn. (via Allen Varney)
Why the world loves soccer and America doesn’t (via Gareth Michael Skarka) – I just don’t feel the deep love in my heart for the beautiful game, but this is a good short account of where the appeal lies.
Neat profile of “the world’s most patient gamer”, Triforce Johnson (via Quinn Murphy)
Amazing Street Art – 2012 collection
6-year-old schools Hasbro on gender equality. Via Emily Care Boss.
Also: a new study finds girls are increasingly into boy brands. (Unsurprisingly there’s no examination of the way these gendered brands are constituted, so the explanations given are pretty weak, but it’s an encouraging trend.)
Also also: See Jane, a neat little video about representation of women in media from Geena Davis’s project…
Vending machine dispenses random books
We are entering the post-password age. An amazing article that breaks down what we’re all reluctant to admit – that passwords don’t work any more.
Revered alt-culture magazine Coilhouse has announced it’s taking a rest – and they’ve made every acclaimed issue a free download on their beautiful site.
Obama’s war council of supernerds.
And finally… Trotify (via William Gibson)
Shades of this old chestnut, perhaps..
I’m not sure that the guy who writes Dinosaur Comics is who I would choose to fill Shakespeare’s shoes. Except for the part where he lives up to that joke in Blackadder where “But you’d laugh at a Shakespeare comedy” is used as an insult.