Productive Morgue

I am feeling particularly productive. In advance of Conpulsion I’m trying to pull together some material for OGL Horror, a roleplaying book published by Britain’s Mongoose Publishing and written by my vague acquaintance Gar Hanrahan. It was a cool book and I’m enjoying playing with the ideas within. If all goes well I’ll get them published in some form, and if all goes really well I might get paid for them. But we shan’t count chickens, etc etc.

If you haven’t read Cal’s story yet, go do it. I think it’s cool, but I am entirely biased.
And while I think of it: Cal is a wonderful girlfriend.

Watched League of Extraordinary Gentlemen over the weekend. Cal was sick so we got out two DVDs, and i had a card that got me a free vid with any chart rental. Of course, we didn’t want any chart rentals, but I picked up LXG anyway because some people do seem to like it. I can’t see why. It’s dire. It takes a special kind of foolishness to take such a good idea and mung it up, but they manage. Only bright spot: Stuart Townsend as Dorian Gray, who stole every scene he was in and most of the ones he wasn’t in.
The other video was the charming All the Real Girls, a great indie romance-drama-thing. Just see it like we did, with no preconceptions – you won’t regret it.
Which reminds me, we stumbled on a strange lesbian-lovers-in-boarding-school flick late night that had Mischa Barton in the narrator role, and that made me watch some of the first episode of new US wannabe-guilty-pleasure The OC because she’s the lovely girl with the bad boyfriend in that. It was *so strange* seeing the face of little kid Devon from the astonishing movie Lawn Dogs being used to deliver wry 90210-style dialogue, let alone to make deeply felt comments about the mystery of lesbian love. Purpose of this paragraph: find and see Lawn Dogs, it’s great. *Especially* the ending, despite what the critics say.
And I discovered today that my NZ-rock-gods-to-be Two Lane Blacktop have split up. Sucksville. Their site is gone too. Bigger sucksville.
At least Idle Faction are still together.
Edited to fix the name of the DVD. D’oh!

4 thoughts on “Productive Morgue”

  1. Coop is the little girl from Lawn Dogs all grown up? Bizarro. Lawn Dogs freaking rocks, people. See it if you h’ain’t’ent yet.
    I’ve seen most of a few eps of OC. Totally 90210 but deranged and way more T&A. But damn the girl is cute.
    Speaking of teen tv, have you seen Joan of Arcadia? I’ve been wondering for a while what you made of that.

  2. Stuart Townsend was good? Man, he reeked like rabid human guano in Queen of the Damned. I always figured that the reason he was sacked from playing Aragorn in LotR was that he has the Freddie Prinze Jr factor of being a talent vacuum, not just sucking himself but draining all other talent from the screen.

  3. Townsend was playing Dorian Gray, and playing him as a bitch. It worked, it really did. This should not change your opinions as to his general quality.

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