Briefly checking in from Auckland, where stronglight and I have been the last couple nights. We’re heading back down to Welly today. It has been quite an intense time (friends of stronglight who don’t know why should click through and find out).
We tried to listen to the Flight of the Conchords radio show on the way up but couldn’t find a stereo setting that didn’t make the quiet bits too quiet to hear over the engine. Will faff around with it before heading back south, because we crave some Flight of the Conchords radio show goodness. Also, S-L purchased a new Ani deFranco from Real Groovy so we have some good listening lined up for the start of things.
Met up last night for tacos in Ponsonby with Andrew L, and much good discussion was had. Particularly, on the symbolism inherent in the Sky Tower that watches over all Auckland like the Eye of Sauron.
Right. Time to hit the road.