It seems I’ve ended up on an every-two-weeks schedule for the linky. But stubbornly I refuse to stop blogging! I know my enormous* fandom needs me! That’s why they never comment, the emotional stakes are too high!
*I haven’t had any visitor numbers for this blog for several years, so I think it’s reasonable to presume that over that time my audience has grown ten-thousand-fold.
Huge numbers of us are now writing for an audience – thinking in public. And this is changing how we think. Svend sent me this noting it was part of why he writes up reviews of every film he sees at the film fest each year (he sees LOTS of films) – and it’s the same reason I [used to] use this blog to talk about things that bugged me or were on my mind. Writing for an audience here helps me think things through, to assemble a mess of thoughts into a structure and take it a few more steps than I can manage otherwise.
Oh man. A project set up so prisoners in long-term solitary confinement (in the US, of course) get to request a photo be taken just for them, of any subject they want.
Methods for fighting internet trolls (instead of just trying to starve them) (via Hugh Dingwall)
Lucha Libro! Competitive short-story writing, wearing wrestling masks, in Peru. (Harlan Ellison would destroy at this…)
In the buildup to the Breaking Bad finale, Dangerous Minds linked to “the best ever analysis of a scene in a TV show”. I only watched the first two seasons of BB so haven’t watched this, but I figure someone out there will be interested…
I am 90% sure that these dinosaur-human erotica books are a prank, and not a genuine expression of someone’s weird fetishes. They just seem a little too contrived. But still. [EDITED TO ADD: ayup]
Archive of classic comedy monologues, particularly lots of Vaudeville standards.
The great American novel has already been written, and it was the first 27 years of the Fantastic Four comic.
A plausible explanation for the origin of the Tarot? (via Allen Varney)
EW’s lengthy Joss Whedon interview
Bitcoin: super convenient if you’re homeless, apparently.
*sigh* The cast of Twin Peaks at the 1990s Emmys
The gender advertising remixer, Lego edition
Sugar association advertising madness.
And finally, via d3vo… the sea pig
No Star Wars!! Suddenly everything I know is rong!!! 😉
..on the other hand, I now know so much about the Sea Pig. Thankyou!!! That was brilliant 🙂
Jet – look again at the Lego gender remixer…
I do always enjoy these! Thank you.