Integer Linky

Via John Fouhy: Dungeons and Dragons Ability Modifier Sequence from the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. As John said in his tweet, “This is some kind of nerd congruence. I struggle for words.”

Rare Star Wars posters from around the world. Some of these are very odd.

Lovely illustrations of kids playing Star Wars. There’s a bunch, click “next” to move through them.

Also, Star Wars invades Sochi (via Mike Upton)

Boromir death simulator. (via Darcy)

Barbie defends her decision to appear in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and Slate points out how vile this “defence” is (via Simone)

Music for Making Love (via Pearce)

Elsa from Disney’s Frozen calls out the other Disney princesses. In song, of course!

College Humour on the engagement ring diamond scam…

This piece owes a debt to: the classic, all-time famous Atlantic magazine feature on the scam that is the engagement ring diamond. Still viral thirty years on! (Blaise put this on my screen this time ’round but it keeps cycling.)

Via my mum, maps of stereotypes

For my mum (and other Austenphiles), 15yo Jane Austen’s satirical history of England

And finally, The saga of Moon Moon the derp wolf.

3 thoughts on “Integer Linky”

  1. The Boromir Death Simulator is somewhat addictive. I’ve run it twice now, and Boromir’s taken down 20 and 24 orcs respectively!

  2. My 9yo just said “hey papa, you’ve got to see this thing on YouTube!” and showed me the Disney princess video. It clearly struck a chord.

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