Linky going out on Thursday this week on account of Easter.
Cavalorn has uncovered a genuine oddity from 70s Britain: a kid’s how-to guide for the occult. It’s like something out of Scarfolk, but real.
In Buzzfeed-does-journalism shock, here’s a quite nice piece on Tom Lehrer, and the quiet, comprehensive way he is ignoring his incredible legacy.
American football in China – this is a great tale. (via Nextdraft)
TL;DR wikipedia (via Dangerous Minds)
Kristen Schaal as Darth Vader
Malc tells a weirdly fascinating tale from his deep research into nuclear history: how did a 1980 tv movie feature in efforts to keep Pakistan from attaining nuclear power?
A conversation on Facebook led to a google search which unexpectedly turned this up: Herry Monster reunites with cute Sesame Street kid, 20 years later
The marvellous Mrs Meows gives a very smart, and usefully linked, account of how she grew out of Michael Jackson.
Hogwarts MOOC, lol
Unexpectedly, the AVClub manages to make a compelling inventory list on the subject of sinister rabbits in pop culture
True Detective meets Family Circus (I think I’ve seen more parodies of Family Circus than I have the real thing)
How to lie with graphs and charts! The real-world examples are jaw-dropping. (via Matt Cowens)
13-year-old eagle huntress (via Craig Oxbrow & Tim Denee)
And finally, don’t ever tease any other kids you guys
Thanks for linking to the blog post. It’s one of those weird little snippets that wasn’t quite important enough to make it into the submitted thesis. I’ve got a few more that I’ll be sharing over the next couple of weeks, mostly to do with people or organisations that you wouldn’t ordinarily connect to nuclear non-proliferation.
And that kids guide to the occult! Genuinely unbelievable. Scarfolk indeed.
I know the dude who made that Family Circus/True Detective tumblr. He was amazed when someone pointed out that the AV Club had linked to it.