Halloween Linky

This has been blowing up on social media in the last few days, which tells me I should have put it in last week’s linky instead of holding it over for this Halloween special. It is one heck of a musical number: Cannibal Shia LaBeouf. (via Svend)

Good Guardian piece on the origins of Halloween.

Star Wars triple-header:
1. Site dedicated to tracking every single astromech droid (the squat rubbish-bin looking ones, like Artoo)
Every screen death in the original trilogy
3. Loads of close photo shots of the spaceship models from the films. Most of these pics were new to me.

A very fair evaluation of the phenomenon that was the Blair Witch Project, 15 years on.

I knew Scroobius Pip had started a podcast – but I didn’t know the guest after Zane Lowe was ALAN MOORE. (Thanks Angus D!)

Beautiful maps of space through the ages (via Maire)

And finally, in keeping with the day, an updated Monster Mash:

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