The Rip-Hoff pt.1 from Matthijs_Vlot on Vimeo.
Sadly Hoffspace, the David Hasselhoff social media site, is no longer functional. I had, like, five friends on Hoffspace, all of them middle-aged women from Bible belt America. It was great.
Does Sean Bean really die more than other actors?
Ian’s shoelace site. (via shoelace-technique evangelist Jack)
Move the unhappy shapes – and learn about segregation. An incredible interactive demonstration of how small effects snowball into big consequences.
Adding some Flight of the Conchords music to the new Terminator trailer is kinda nice.
The Empty Kingdom: this neat game (play right in your browser) is a short & lovely experience (via Angus Dingwall)
Catch up on Classic Doctor Who in 15 minutes by watching every episode at the same time (via David R, who says it was terrific in HD on his TV screen)
12-minute John Constantine/Hellblazer fan film. Forget about that American TV show, this is what you want.
And finally, via my Cal, the worst possible way to display extra-large trousers for women on your web storefront.