Friday Linky

Another Friday has rolled around, and Christmas is around the corner. Few responses to my anti-Fables vitriol; I expect all the Fables lovers are making friends-locked LJ posts to talk about me behind my back. Well, when my X-Ray Specs arrive in the mail I will read all of those hidden posts, so you all better just watch out! (Also I will see through walls. Maybe YOUR walls!)
First review of Unearthly: Cosmic Heroes has come in, and it’s a nice 4-star thumbs up! Calls the book “very well written”, which made me very happy. It’s easily the most successful thing I’ve written RPG-wise, having reached the heady heights of being a “Copper Pick” and briefly making it into the Top 10 of the RPGNow Top Sellers chart. Hurray, etc.
Remember early-80s Indiana Jones rip-off Tales of the Gold Monkey? I sure do, with its seaplane and its gold monkey! Refresh your memory with this little-seen comic set in the GoldMonkeyVerse! I can only presume that the dude who scanned this in is the same one who enhanced the TotGM wikipedia page with a detailed chronology for the show’s fictional backstory, beginning a thousand years before the first episode.
I like that I got to say “GoldMonkeyVerse”.
Catching up on Stephen Fry’s blog got me to this post in which he talks about a dinner-table conversation that got a bit out of hand, and springboards into his view of the climate change situation – which, I was pleased to note, is somewhat familiar. Check it out..
And speaking of blogging, especially in light of Doris Lessing’s lecture discussed earlier this week (and in which I messed up the link to the lecture, thanks Karen): the other moose pointed me at the blog of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. (Had to check the spelling on that. Got two of the vowels the wrong way around.) The President’s blog does seem to originate from his office – his pledge to spend “15 minutes a month” on the blog sounds reasonable for a very busy head of state whose main problem is PR. And speaking of that main problem, take a look at the site. It shows reader comments on the right of the screen, apparently unedited, tagged only with the flag of the poster. It’s flabbergasting. Keep an eye out for the American flags, and you’ll see such gems as: “die slow …” “You are a nigger” “Shut up please, would you? I get headache reading your nonsense stuff.” and “You are a terrible, despicable human being. You WILL be attacked by the US or Israel and will be destroyed!”. These comments are turning up on the webpage of the Iranian President! I am astonished. Now, if there’s one thing all Iranian leaders know, it is how to exercise the power of censorship. And I can’t imagine the decision being made to allow this stuff without it being cleared with him first. That means it must be deliberate on his part – he’s canny enough to see the merit in letting everyone see the internet sewer as it comes crawling out. But, really. Can you imagine a Western leader who’d let that kind of stuff stand?
Meanwhile, at home, the office of the NZ Prime Minister comments, on the record, to a blog discussion. I’m sure it was meant to say “pwned” at the end.
Or perhaps Merriam-Webster’s Word of 07, “woot”. (Has anyone else realised that the abbreviation of Word of 2007 is Wo07? That’s right – woot acronymises its own award!)
I downloaded ZoneAlarm earlier, to get my firewall situation under control. Install went very smoothly, but right afterwards it tried to use my browser to open up an intro tutorial. Which would be fine, except that it hadn’t given the browser permission to access the net yet. Someone didn’t quite think that through. It reminded me of the charity collection can we used to have at the Todman St flat, the one that said “Opening Instructions Inside”.
Also, I’m trying out Google Analytics on my Apocalypse site to keep track of traffic. Go on, click through and give me some stats to look at why don’t you…
Enough of this madness. Time for different madness. Such as those guys from Knocked Up in a zombie apocalypse film trailer.

18 thoughts on “Friday Linky”

  1. Google Analytics is showing no traffic to Apocalypse! But SiteMeter here is showing people clicking through to Apocalypse! What a conundrum.

  2. I also remember Gold Monkey. Then again, I ran an rpg for about ten years that was based on the same sort of concepts, using the Daredevils system (which was probably the thing that inspired Adventure).
    Our company used ZoneAlarm professional as it’s standard install firewall for PC’s until very recently when they switched to McHaffie. I still prefer Agnitum’s Outpost myself.

  3. Well, I did really like _Fables_ but I’m having trouble articulating my response as anything but: “I really liked it, so there! [pokes tongue out]”
    So y’know, there probably wouldn’t have been an interesting discussion coming out of my response.

  4. I remember golden monkey as well. It is so not as good as when we were kids. Like kight rider and A team.

  5. I remember even as a kid I thought Gold Monkey was rubbish (compared to the sophisticated delights of Battlestar Galactica, Knight Rider and the A-Team). But I liked it anyway, because I was a kid.
    Steph – Andrew, who knows these things, musters a solid defence of Fables-appreciation in the comments to the other post. 🙂

  6. I remember golden monkey as well. It is so not as good as when we were kids. Like kight rider and A team.

  7. 2trees! Stop double posting and start double AWESOMEING!
    You will be pleased to hear that since I started tracking visitors yesterday, it has become clear that BY FAR the most popular page on my Apoc site is “Leon Is A God”!
    Divine high five!

  8. I’m one of the biggest zombie fans around – I was even interviewed for 3 hours as an “expert” for a documentary on zombie movies – and even I’m sick as hell of the bloody things turning up in movies, books, comics, fake trailers, tv shows, novelty socks…
    They’re getting to be as boring as vampires.

  9. “That means it must be deliberate on his part – he’s canny enough to see the merit in letting everyone see the internet sewer as it comes crawling out.”
    Except the comments aren’t exactly as they come crawling out of the internet sewer. The comments shown aren’t an unfiltered feed appended to an individual blog post, they’re a fixed sidebar attached to the website. Someone went through the comments sent in (and from something said in one of the President’s posts, I gather the volume is large) and cherry-picked which ones were going to be presented to the public at large. The drivel (my favourite for sheer stupidity is the one going on about how ‘retarted’ (sic) the President is) are just as much chosen propaganda as the supportive messages.

  10. Maybe having foreign infidels slagging you off is good for your street-cred (net-cred) as a Moslem president… perhaps suggests that the criticism against you in Western nations is of the unreasoned mud-slinging kind as opposed to rational criticism of your policies?

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