Short film about following a Youtube tutorial to summon a demon. Starring dear friend of this parish Johnnie Ingram!
Related: writer/director/producer of the above, Hugh Hancock, posts on Charlie Stross’s blog about “geek Cthulhu” as a genre. (Although he fails to mention Ghostbusters, which is probably the ur-text of any geek-Cthulhu subgenre.)
Time management is only making our busy lives worse! There’s some smart summary in here of how time is a social construct and overmanaging it can be counterproductive.
On the NYT: what it’s like to face a 150mph tennis serve.
Via Dylan, a comic that breaks down what’s going on with peak oil
Great profile on Ta-Nehisi Coates, who is everywhere right now on the back of his recently-published book.
Reddit can’t be saved – linking is not endorsing but I find this pretty persuasive…
Two good pieces on cultural appropriation.
Pride & Prejudice mixed with Onion headlines works rather well
Amusing & brief summary of the Marvel cinematic universe to date
And finally, the Marvel Dubsmash War – super cute. (Ignore all the text on this page, just watch the clips.)