An extensive, illustrated guide to the butts of Middle-earth (via Theron, who was just trying to share the pain.)
Via Lew:
Philip K Dick Stories Adapted as Vintage Radio Plays Now on our list of 700 Free AudioBooks
— Open Culture (@openculture) December 17, 2015
The Radicalization of Luke Skywalker: A Jedi’s Path To Jihad – via Ivan
Scarfolk makes a leap at viral fame with these Star Wars Medical Instruments. (Update a day later: seems to be working out for them so far, this is everywhere.)
d3vo found this interesting Cosmo article on a 20-something woman who invited all the people she had crushes on into a Facebook group called “my crushes”. (If I was still tutoring social psychology I’d definitely build a lesson around this.)
An excellent mashup of Britney Spears & the Twin Peaks theme
Via Siobhann and Morag near-simultaneously, What if Disney Princesses were Tardigrades?
Via Pearce: a linguist discusses the distinctive and bodacious way Bill & Ted use language.
And finally, via theremina, whatever this is