
Letters to the editor are best when you say out loud “ZING!” after you read each one. Try it on these gems from Monday’s DomPost:

“I have begun to notice Young Greens sporting badges stating, “I only date guys/girls that vote Green”. I find this bewildering because I would have thought that judging or having a prejudice against someone based on their political beliefs is against basic human, as well as democratic, rights.” – Oliver Gibbetson, Northland


“So, Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast isn’t happy about the sum the Government will pay to deal with tagging. Perhaps she might consider topping it up with some of the money spent by the council-owned Art Centre to decorate its car-park walls with graffiti – I mean, street art. Mixed messages, anyone?” – Yvonne Guy, Wellington City

Hoo boy, it’s a pleasure to encounter such rapier wit in this day and age.
(Elsewhere on the same page, Dave Hansford of Makara delivers a takedown to the shameful high-profile climate change skeptic piece by the ludicrous Muriel Newman, and the even-more-ludicrous climate change skeptic Vincent Gray does some ZINGing of his own.)

5 thoughts on “Zing!”

  1. Thanks Oliver – I vote Maori, so next time I’m rejected by a woman I’m taking her to the Human Rights Commission.

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