I loved this edition of Manfeels Park. Hee hee! (Remember that all the dialogue is drawn from real exchanges online, with source link below the comic!)
Via Gareth: the voices of Pinky & the Brain read… Pulp Fiction. (Just one scene!)
(and via Cyrus, a highly entertaining script reading of The Matrix)
Great personal story: I was a Men’s Rights Activist.
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) has been sharing shooting script pages from Star Wars, and there’s stuff I haven’t heard of before – like how Obi Wan was meant to survive the Death Star! This must have been changed on set!
Insanely huge Lego Star Destroyer
Original Pope of this blog (and upcoming contestant on Mastermind) David Ritchie discovered io9 shamelessly ripping off our “Pantheon of Plastic” idea: which actors played the most characters who got action figures?
And finally, via Pearce, from the NYT, the battle over the Sea Monkey fortune. Even more interesting than it sounds.