Ain’t No Friday If There Ain’t No Linky

Museum of the World’s Worst Comics. Lots of wacky stuff from the 40s and 50s.
For fellow Wire-heads: Steve Lieber draws characters from the Wire in the style of The SImpsons. (And from the same link, Wire co-creator David Simon shows up in a blog comments section to beat on someone for the stupid. warning – blog post itself is detailed plot summary of a s4 ep so be careful if you’re not that deep.)
In a spectacular display of what missing-the-point looks like, many serious-minded technical people explain how the Death Star explosion caused a holocaust on Endor. (Dudes, it’s Star Wars. Your science has no place here.)
The incredible Future Perfect blog, in which a Nokia researcher talks about travelling the world to see how different people in different cultures make use of cellphones. There’s a list of countries and regions down the side – click on one and marvel. In my explorations so far I liked Tehran.
Joe Dante’s Gremlins feature in a BT ad in the UK.
And finally, again from the wonderful photoblog riotclitshave, I give you THE POWER OF METAL.

6 thoughts on “Ain’t No Friday If There Ain’t No Linky”

  1. From the End of Ewoks thing:
    “All ewoks would have been better off if the tribe which made contact with the rebels continued with their original plan of killing and eating the commando team’s leaders. ”
    I SWEAR I only read bits and pieces…..I SWEAR…..don’t look at me that way!

  2. Man, if I was an Ewok, I would have chowed down on Leia but solid, man. Nibbled her right down to nothing. CHOMPS. I mean seriously, just because Wicket went all dewy-eyed over her and got his Ewok sewing kit out and made her a big brown dress out of fabric when no other Ewok wore fabric, man, that wouldn’t have saved her, I would have just commando-style ninja’d in through her treehouse window and eaten that girl man. That is the ewok WAY. That is how we do.
    Dave – that video is INCREDIBLE.

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