Friday (Linky) On My Mind

I have a whole section in my bookmarks of “people to add to my blogroll” that I will honestly get around to doing someday. In the meantime, this one’s open in a tab right now so I am reminded to share: occasional commenter and all-around gent Dan has started Freshly Ground, which is mostly a blog about eating well. He muses in an entertaining way about how his young family is doing food-wise, with an eye on sustainability and nutrition and of course the NOM NOM NOM factor. And shares loads of tasty and simple recipes as he goes! Today’s entry is about when to cheat
(And on the subject of food, Giffy is flickr’ing her lunches. Check out the one she blogged today: this is a good example of lunchy awesome, in my book.)
I’ve talked about Purity Balls before – it’s one of my posts that keeps getting traffic off of google and being passed around Facebook – and am thus inclined to share this commentary from’s Broadsheet section: “We’ve written before about Generations of Light Ministries’ fantastically creepy “purity ball,” where fathers make a pledge to protect their young daughters’ hymens. But the New York Times’ coverage of the 2008 ball launched the event’s creepy quotient into the cosmos…” Go see. Yeesh.
And from the “holy cow” files, here’s what happens when a ten-year old boy writes a letter the Charles Manson and gets a reply.
That’s all I gots for ya this week. Additional linky from you folks is encouraged in comments…

3 thoughts on “Friday (Linky) On My Mind”

  1. Whee!! I made it onto a morgue linky 🙂 My lunches are not that exciting, but I’m trying to make them healthy, which somehow leads to colourful and attractive.

  2. One could peruse the NEW EMPIRE ICE CREAM site….

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