Borkhardt Hates You Too (2008)

I posted this on my LJ last week, but forgot to crosspost to the audience here. This is the 48 Hour Film we made this year (and by we, I mean, mostly other people, I just did writing then went home and crashed):

I think it’s rather good, I do. I think it survives the transition to small screen with panache, and bears rewatching quite well too. The city finals are tomorrow night, we didn’t make the cut (hence you being able to watch) but two other films at our heat did. I hope we get some recognition for technical stuff – I think this film is incredible to look at and the tech crew deserve muchas kudos for it..
For more 48 Hour fun, check out
Temporal Affairs, featuring occasional commenter here Jon Ball, and with some other friends of the morgue in behind-camera roles; and…
[Fraser, where’s your film? I thought it was on your LJ but just checked and is not there… I know I’ve watched it… someone linky?]

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