Friday got your linky

The original draft of Barry Hughart’s incredible novel, Bridge of Birds (warning: its a pdf file). I haven’t read this yet, but I understand it is quite different from the published version (which I was given long ago by, I think, the Alligator).
And speaking of the Alligator, he gets an interview in the Seattle P-I on account of the ice-creaminess; probably only of interest to those in Seattle or those who know Aaron… (or those who just like to think about ice cream, and that’s fair enough)
What newspaper cartoons used to be like. Plenty more from the same cartoonist. (Picked this one up through Journalista.)

Here’s a thing of beauty: The Reality Of Running Away From Stuff. When you watch a movie and the hero out-swims a shark, or runs faster than an explosion, etc. – this is the definitive source to check to see how plausible that moment was!
And to balance the above, here’s a thing of unspeakable, un-nameable horror, even worse than the Mao/Che slashfic I lured some of you into looking at two weeks ago…

(bekitty is responsible for spreading this one around)

5 thoughts on “Friday got your linky”

  1. If you EVER post another Hoff thing on your blog, I will never forgive you for it!

  2. Teeny quibble, but the out running things table implies that jets cannot outrun missiles, which is actually doable under certain circumstances.
    So there.

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