Morgue the Body

Irony dept: finally start working on novel about governing power of body in life. Immediately get just sick enough to not be able to work on it. Stupid body.
Nostalgia dept: Sai Baba doco on BBC2 right now. Todman St regulars may remember the Religion Of Love flyer we had on our wall for so long.
World Wide Morgue dept: i have a livejournal – mr_orgue. Just to comment on other LJs, really. Friend me if you have one, I’ve done a few people so far. I also have a gmail, and I have scored the ‘morgue’ id. Rockin’.
Today dept: sat around reading. George Monbiot’s ‘The Age of Consent’, Don DeLillo’s ‘Underworld’.
Sibling dept: oldmost sister Miriam leaving NZ for the UK in a week. Davie diaspora continues.
Comic dept: Grant Morrison’s ‘Seaguy’ is ‘Astro City’ crossed with ‘Flex Mentallo’. Or something. Joss Whedon’s ‘Astonishing XMen’ is serviceable.

One thought on “Morgue the Body”

  1. Hey, I met your sister the other day. Just briefly but I thought you’d like to know anyways. Also people talked about you fondly at Debz party yesterday.

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