Aspergic teenager is only comfortable in the virtual world of the MMORPG Archlord, while he is bullied ferociously at school and everyone seems helpless to stop him. Narrated throughout by Ben’s internal monologue, newcomer Greg Timmermans gives a great silent performance, managing to play some difficult passages (like when two bullies force Ben out of his reverie) with skill and empathy.
Structurally, the first half of the film is a mess, jumping around between in-game reality, Ben’s real world, and interview-style to-camera pieces from the adults in Ben’s life. It really doesn’t settle down and felt off-pace to me. However, this all does come together in the end, and it all works much better in retrospect than it does while you’re watching – so I’m not sure if that’s a point for or against. A lot of the material gently strains credibility, but Ben himself is so compelling its easy to let it ride.
It’s rough going for a lot of the film. Ben doesn’t have an easy time, to say the least, and his inability to respond to what is happening to him makes for a traumatic experience for the viewer. It would be wrong to say that it comes to a happy ending, but certainly the film does its best to allow you to walk out with a sense of peace, rather than despair. I recommend it.
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