BoJo: Big Meat Eater

Last week, London Mayor Boris Johnson’s Telegraph piece on eating meat received a prominent reprint in Wellington’s DomPost. It really is drivel.
Shorter BoJo: “Some UN chappie says I should forgo meat one day a week to cut carbon emissions. But the world is overpopulated! The end.”
The most unpleasant aspect of this is Johnson’s, no doubt sincerely ignorant, failure to understand that the people who are driving meat overconsumption (i.e. the developed West) are not the people who are driving overpopulation (i.e. not the developed West). Even on its own terms, this ridiculous argument amounts to a massive disavowal of responsibility: we’ll keep eating all the meat, thank you, but would you mind having many fewer kids over in your countries? The whole argument is Eton debating society rhetoric without a shred of value to it, except as yet another example of the debased understanding of reality held by the West’s elites. Still, silver linings: at least he accepts that anthropogenic climate change is real.
And, yet again: DomPost editorial – what on earth were you thinking?

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