Arrrday Linky

Avast, ye bilge-scum, ahoy! There be linky ahead! Yarr, we shall plunder their riches me hearties, and send the rest down to Davey Jones! Arrrrrr!
(Yep, it’s that time of year again. Don’t forget to celebrate in your job interviews and performance review meetings!)
A great piece of spoken word courtesy of Judd about being a kid at the library and more:

Film people will be well aware of Ron Cobb, whose incredible design work on many films is justly revered – his work on Alien was an important grounding counterpoint on the wildness of Jean Giraud and the weirdness of Giger, while being every bit as beautiful as either – and his CV also includes key design work on Star Wars, Total Recall and others. But I didn’t know until this week that Cobb was a particularly acidic political cartoonist as well. Some of his social comment cartoons are included at the link, well worth a look.
The music trend sweeping the internets by storm: take one of your MP3s and add some cowbell! And a little bit of Christopher Walken! More Cowbell shows the way! Recent artists given the cowbell treatment include Foo FIghters and Eric Clapton at the time of writing…
Political linky: incisive description of how the right-wing noise machine in the US can operate an attack on everybody’s friend, Oprah Winfrey, and get away with it. Bonus linky: The Edge, a cultural comment site that looks amazing but I’ve only just started to explore it.

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