We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Linky

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The only acceptable excuse for not regularly reviewing the best photoblog there is is that you only internet at work (some images include arty nudity). Everyone else, get on to it. It reliably makes me laugh, gasp, and marvel.
Last night I went along to the local Drinking Liberally, where the speaker was Gordon Campbell, brilliant journo formerly of the now-broken Listener, currently delivering incredible election coverage for a pittance over on Scoop. If you are a New Zealander and you have the slightest interest in the fate of this nation, you owe it to yourself to get on to his Election 08 coverage. Start right now with his latest piece, an analysis and discussion of our two main party leaders refusing to debate with our minor party leaders – in a proportional system, that’s a big call. Top-notch stuff by one of NZ’s best journalists, free to the web. You can’t go wrong.
No Right Turn linked to this and it is well worth your time: The Guardian writes about Jamie Oliver’s new show. The continuing social/political awakening of Jamie Oliver is one of the more welcome developments of the last decade – he is an incredibly high-profile figure with the capacity to reach a huge audience and shift perceptions around the incredibly important subject of food. This article writes about how, in his new show, he comes face to face with the UK working class who have lost the ability to manage their own nutrition; and, even more interesting, it shows recent research that demonstrates how buying crappy food makes rational sense to those on a tight budget. Class still structures UK society.
Speaking of class, check this out: this is the page to register to buy tickets at the Royal Opera House in London. Have a look at the drop-down options for “Title” – it goes somewhat further than “Mr, Mrs, Ms.” (This one tipped off by the Private Eye.)
ObYouTube: David Letterman reacts to John McCain snubbing him. He doesn’t take it too well. (This one has been all over the web for the last week.)

And finally, this was surely the most incredible kids media content of the 80s – the ridiculous, gory and downright amazing Dinosaur Attacks cards from Topps.

7 thoughts on “We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Linky”

  1. All well and good if you are a Group Captain or a Wing Commander, but what about poor old Squadron Leader J F E Bufton-Tufton DFC (with bar)? What is he to do?
    Disgusted, strongest possible terms, your obediant servant etc.

  2. Jenni: I want to be that French Ambassador that gets his whole title in there, just in case he decides to go to the Opera.
    Malc: And some French chappie gets his credentials automated ahead of a Squadron Leader! Bufton Tufton has a legitimate grievance!
    Dritchie: Yeah, someone linked me that last week – delightful! And made for NZ’s man in the DWM, Scott Gray, to boot!

  3. I’d have to say, one of my few problems with Jamie, is that he REALLY doesn’t understand what is like to be a working parent (let’s not blame just the mothers folks). As a single mum, I can’t find half an hour to cook when we get in from work either… the kids are demanding food straight away and we start dinner with veges and hummous or fruit most nights. I cook at the weekends or use the slow cooker and add salad or steamed brocolli… or chuck spinach and frozen veges in commercial pasta sauce (yes I know it contains too much salt and sugar and it only takes 5 minutes to make my own). Sometimes I cross the line the kids have tinned spaghetti with brocolli and cheese or wedges and baked beans for tea…. mmmm a taste sensation! Yesterday I roasted a chicken and made a kg of meatballs and burger patties for the freezer. And we eat takeaways most Fridays.
    I was staggered in the UK how everything was eaten with chips… and a family I stayed with believed it was okay cos they were oven chips, so good for you, and ate them 4-5 times a week… STAGGERING!

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