The Best There Is At What I Linky

I’m busy over in NotRodney land, plus real life OMG, but here’s some linky to waste those precious Friday hours:
Visual essay comparing Star Wars imagery to contemporary art at the time. A bridge too far, perhaps, but still interesting.
After the 2004 US election came Sorry Everybody. Now, this. Which is nice. Although Glenn Greenwald would no doubt see it as another appeal to centrism. (via talula, I think it was?)
Excited/afraid to see Watchmen thanks to the second trailer? Want a recap of the entire 12-issue original series to refresh your memory? Want that recap to be drawn entirely in MS Paint with shaky stick figures? The internet can supply! (this one’s been in a half-dozen places this week)
Serious timewasting marvel: Deletionpedia, which is where pages deleted from Wikipedia for being “not notable” end up. It is a cornucopia of the most trivial stuff. Love it. (via Nexus, originally, but then the site went down for two months)
And finally… random recipe generator!

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