Lost – up to s3

As previously blogged, I’ve been watching Lost. I mostly watch it in a little window in the corner of my computer screen while I do other stuff. I’ve just finished season 3, which was the half-way point for the series.

I’m enjoying it, most definitely. It ain’t as slow as it used to be, and it’s helped having people tell me when the dumb bits of the series are gonna hit.

It meant I finally got to read and appreciate John Rogers’ You Uncurious Motherflickers piece about season 1 Lost. Yeah man.

It meant also that I feel the pain of missing what was surely one of the greatest bouts of hilarious show-mocking evar on the internets, the “Waaaaaalt!” meme. Like this.

Here’s an example of everything that is both amazing and terrible about Lost. There’s a character who says “brother” a lot. In season 3 they reveal that he used to be a monk. That’s such a refined and pure kind of dumb that you’ve got to love it.

And yes, none of it really makes any sense, and all the characters are either incapable of investigative strategy (ref. “uncurious”, above) or incapable of telling the truth, and show likes to just throw in big moments of WTF now and then just because (foot statue I’m looking at you). But the thing that frustrates me is that none of the antagonist characters act like human beings. They are completely impossible to believe in. And after devoting s3 to revealing much about the antagonist community and way of life, they continue to be utterly implausible.

But, but, but. I’ll let that slide, because there’s lots to like. Show’s energetic devotion to mystery is engaging and it really does seem to be going somewhere. So Imma let you finish, show. But Twin Peaks was the greatest inexplicable weird-ass drama of all time.

(Thanks to Jon B for loaning me Lost DVDs, too!)

Shutter Island (USA, 2010)

Saw this a week ago, still haven’t talked about it. It was very enjoyable. It’s a grand operatic noir, an unnerving psychological thriller that doesn’t make much sense (do any psychological thrillers make much sense?). Great intensely-imagined visuals, gripping and moody atmosphere, pitch-perfect performances (heavily stylised and just OTT enough). The film offers very few surprises but is a great ride nonetheless.

It’s a big screen film, but probably not worth the big screen ticket prices unless you’re a particular fan of Leo DiCaprio or Marty Scorsese or Michelle Williams or Mark Ruffalo*. So watch it on your home cinema with surround sound, or go to the fillums on cheap night.

To its enormous credit, the film absolutely nails its very final scene.

* Hah! No-one in the world is “a particular fan of Mark Ruffalo”!**
** I stand corrected