Nazi Space Buddha Iron Man Linky

If your regular news sources haven’t mentioned the Nazi Space Buddha Iron Man yet, you need better news sources, because NAZI SPACE BUDDHA IRON MAN.

Bill Bailey Docteur Qui. How have I never seen this before? via Andrew Loughnan > Michael Upton.

Reddit user attempts to ignite mass mockery of a Sikh woman. Incredibly, it ends happily for all. (via Calum Dow)

Design floorplans of TV apartments (via Gem Wilder)

When Kate Beaton says to check out a collection of vintage E.H. Shepard illustrations, it is wise to attend.

Tube map of the human body

I’d heard about this but have never seen pics before: how to hide an entire aeroplane factory (via Making Light; Sam, I’m sure this’ll be old news to you!)

A short behind-the-scenes thing on that upcoming Les Mis film. All the singing is done on-camera, no pre-record + miming! The technical challenges involved in pulling this off on such a complex production are mind-boggling, but man, the difference will tell.

Social psychology lessons from Gangnam Style

This excerpt from Ben Goldacre’s new book lays bare how pharma fraud operates through the academic system – by cherry-picking results of course.

Index of music used in NZ television commercials (via my aunt Margaret)

Today is Lunchbox day. Child poverty in NZ has been in the news lately and current affairs TV show Campbell Live has been pushing hard on this issue for a long time now. It’s become impossible to deny we have a problem. The solutions to the problem are political, but as Campbell Live has argued, they are also complex and will take a long time to work through. Meanwhile there are kids hungry right now. So they have instituted Lunchbox Day – taking donations to give Kiwi kids some food at school. In NZ, text “lunch” to 8595 to make a $3 donation. It’s deeply upsetting that there is a need for this, but Campbell Live are keeping the pressure on the bigger aspects of the problem. This is a good thing to do. Help if you can.

Charles Babbage would have killed on Twitter.

An analysis of PIN numbers. How easy is your PIN to guess? (via Making Light)

Hugh Dingwall found this great Delia Derbyshire collection

And finally, this video which has had 23 million views over the last two years, because this is what humans like to look at apparently.