Helicopter Catan Linky

Via mrsmeows, here’s a 9-minute doco on a man in a wheelchair building a helicopter out of junk. It’s quite lovely.

Via gbaker, here’s a 9-minute doco on a group of friends playing Settlers of Catan when IT ALL GOES WRONG. It’s actually a dramatic recreation of the event – using the actual people – mixed in with talking heads. Neat stuff.

Jean Grae kills. Kill Screen. Flow deadly as hell plus your true classic arcade sounds. As the lady says, Rappity Rap.

Miniature pigeon camera! Pics of & from the pigeon photographers! (via Mike Upton)

If Star Wars was an 80s school flick (via Fraser P)

Dude, you got Daddy Skills (via lots of folk)

6 degrees of Black Sabbath (via Hugh Dingwall)

Gremlin anatomy

Photos of Christopher Robin & Pooh & the others

Via Andrew Jack – BOSCH ACTION FIGURES well statues or whatever but I’d make He-Man punch them.

People who write letters to lexicographers are as mad as people who write letters to any other place. Feel their pain. (via Making Light)

Papercraft Shackleton’s Endurance! And other disaster dioramas too. (also from Making Light)

Tracking the decline of Livejournal (Making Light again)

Warren Ellis on how to actually see the future. He’s started a Vice column too.

The Wire gets a 16-bit game

And finally… via the City Gallery Wellington, oddly enough… it’s the RAINBOW SPONGE