Vote Romney Linky

Still not convinced this isn’t a brilliant satire, but – via Lev Lafayette – a video that will totally convince you to vote Romney. Fantastic, right to the end.

(I’ve embedded a lot of video this week. That’s made the blog hiccup in the past – if anyone hits problems loading the page, give me a comment or email and I’ll turn some of the embeds into links.)

Timeline of cybernetic creatures (via Bruce Sterling)

Get a commentary track for a movie that is still in theatres. Start of a new trend?

The AVClub lay out the 50 best films of the 90s. (Part 2) (Part 3) I remember the 90s. It was a time when I went to a lot of movies. I have seen most of these films. Though I still haven’t watched their pick for #1 film, mostly due to my longstanding (and mostly irrational) aversion to the subject matter.

Fantastic hacking of the graphics on the London tube.

Bad Lip Reading has been around for a while, but this takes their work to a Whole. New. Level. Don’t skip this one.

Concept art from the legendary unmade John Sayles sequel to Jurassic Park, which involved dinosaurs becoming a military special operations squad.

Orkney, man. That place is remote as all get out, but also it turns out, was way more important than you’d guess way back in the day.

Star Wars people = illiterate (via Paul)

Encyclopedia of Golden Age superheroes. By Jess Nevins, who is the planetary expert on this stuff.

An exam gets interrupted in a memorable way

The Golden Ratio: unlearn what you know about it, folks. (Art History people & Maths people will be particularly interested in this.)

Movie stills in their locations

Nick Offerman (him from Parks & Recreation) did a lengthy “Ask Me Anything” with the denizens of Reddit. I do not watch this show but I enjoyed skimming over this. If you are a fan, then it will tickle you I expect.

A lovely essay about encountering the uncanny, in the ghosts and hauntings sense. (via Dylan)

Scientific research produces a comic strip showing the poignant fate of an unlucky panda. (via @fogonwater)

And finally, here is a thing,

(EDIT: Nick Moylan found it in English!)